When will the atonement for Hades be completed? | |
After the atonement is completed, Asazel Satan is imprisoned in the wilderness abyss. If so, ① will the atonement for Hades be completed with the end of the 7 plagues, or ② will the atonement for Hades be completed when the Son comes even to the earth to judge the armies of the beast? | |
In my personal view, in a broad sense, the final atonement for the creation world, including Hades, that is, 'the annihilation of sin', will be completed at the great white throne judgment, when not only the resurrected wicked but also death and Hades, all things related to sin, are burned in the lake of fire. However, considering that God said that He would make atonement for the tent of meeting, which means the most holy place and the holy place, and the altar of burnt offering in the courtyard, before imprisoning Azazel Satan in the wilderness abyss[1], the 'judgment' before the final judgment of the lake of fire also seems to have the meaning of punishing the criminals and washing away sins by avenging the victims.[2] Before they die and are thrown into the lake of fire, they pay some of the price for their sins while they are alive. 'Atonement' is separating from sin according to justice. Therefore, to make atonement for the creation world, means to separate sin from the creation world. Atonement must include judgment because it separates sin according to justice. The meaning that the atonement for the creatures is possible even before the great white throne judgment which annihilates sin itself, means that the free will of the creatures can be perfected and they can be completed into creatures that will never sin again, even before the great white throne judgment. After pouring out the 7 plagues on the earth, the Son will come down even to the earth to judge the armies of the beast, imprison Satan in the abyss, (probably after burning the 1st heaven and the 1st earth) and establish the new heaven and the new earth. The atonement includes judgment as well as the perfecting the free will. The resurrection and the transformation of the martyr witnesses, that is, the 1st resurrection, perfect the free will of the angels in the true temple and the free will of the saints who are resurrected or transformed by the resurrection of life, in Hades. |
View 1: Atonement for Hades is made after the 7 golden bowl plagues are poured out | View 2: Atonement for Hades is made after the LORD Jesus judges the beast forces |
In other words, the atonement for the true temple has already been made with the 1st resurrection. The 7 plagues are the atonement for Hades. | In other words, the 7 plagues are not included in the atonement for Hades. |
Atonement consists of the perfection of the free will + judgment. Because if God makes righteous creatures do not sin, and kills the criminals who do not give up on committing crimes, then no more crimes will occur. By imprisoning Satan in Hades, judgment has already been made in the true temple. If only the free will of the angels is perfected through the 1st resurrection, the atonement for the true temple is completed and the possibility to sin in the true temple is annihilated. But the atonement for Hades includes not only the 1st resurrection but also the judgment of the 7 plagues. By pouring out the blood of criminals who shed innocent blood, purifying the earth where innocent blood was shed. This earth is Hades. The reason the blood of criminals is poured on Hades is to purify Hades. The 7 plagues are the judgment of purifying Hades that pouring out the blood of criminals who shed innocent blood in Hades, on Hades to purify Hades. The 7 plagues purify Hades, not the true temple. The Son's coming down even to the earth to judge the beast forces may be an extension of the atonement for Hades, but the atonement for Hades must include the 7 plagues. The 7 plagues poured out on Hades cannot be seen as the atonement for the true temple. |
The 7 plagues are included in the atonement for the true temple. The atonement for Hades is completed through the LORD Jesus who had only come to the air, coming down even to the earth after the 7 plagues to judge the beast forces. It is making atonement for Hades when the free will of the angels and the martyr witnesses has already been perfected by the atonement for the true temple. Therefore, it would be more accurate to view the atonement for Hades, a partial, as judgment on the criminals, rather than the perfection of the free will. Although the atonement for the altar of burnt offering is made immediately after the atonement for the tent of meeting, if the atonement for the tent of meeting is completed in the most holy place, it will be possible to enter the tent of meeting even before the atonement for the altar of burnt offering is made. Although the LORD Jesus makes atonement for Hades immediately after He makes atonement for the true temple, if He has already completed the atonement for the true temple, it would be possible to enter the true temple even before the atonement for Hades. In other words, it will be possible for the angels to enter the true temple after the atonement for the true temple is completed with the 7 plagues.[3] |
I agree with this view. |
[1] लैव्यवस्था 16:20 “जब वह पवित्रस्थान और मिलापवाले तम्बू और वेदी के लिये प्रायश्चित कर चुके, तब जीवित बकरे को आगे ले आए;
[2] गिनती 35:33 इसलिए जिस देश में तुम रहोगे उसको अशुद्ध न करना; खून से तो देश अशुद्ध हो जाता है, और जिस देश में जब खून किया जाए तब केवल खूनी के लहू बहाने ही से उस देश का प्रायश्चित हो सकता है। (व्य. 21:7)
[3] प्रकाशित वाक्य 15:8 और परमेश्वर की महिमा, और उसकी सामर्थ्य के कारण मन्दिर धुएँ से भर गया* और जब तक उन सातों स्वर्गदूतों की सातों विपत्तियाँ समाप्त न हुई, तब तक कोई मन्दिर में न जा सका। (यशा. 6:4)
'3 हिंदी बाइबिल Eng comment' 카테고리의 다른 글
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