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46 Atonement for the true temple and the judgment of the 7 golden bowl plagues The atonement for the true temple and the judgment of the 7 golden bowl plagues Premise: It is assumed that the 7 plagues are included in the atonement for the true temple. लैव्यवस्था 16:17 जब हारून प्रायश्चित करने के लिये अति पवित्रस्‍थान में प्रवेश करे, तब से जब तक वह अपने और अपने घराने और इस्राएल की सारी मण्डली के लिये प्रायश्चित करके बाहर न निकले तब तक कोई मनुष्य मिलापवाले तम्बू में न रहे। †.. 2024. 1. 21.
45 When will the atonement for Hades be completed? When will the atonement for Hades be completed? After the atonement is completed, Asazel Satan is imprisoned in the wilderness abyss. If so, ① will the atonement for Hades be completed with the end of the 7 plagues, or ② will the atonement for Hades be completed when the Son comes even to the earth to judge the armies of the beast? In my personal view, in a broad sense, the final atonement for t.. 2024. 1. 21.
44 When will the atonement for the true temple be completed? When will the atonement for the true temple be completed? True temple = Heaven of angels = Tent of meeting = Tabernacle = Sanctuary = Temple = Most holy place and holy place In the most holy place, blood is sprinkled on the mercy seat and in front of the mercy seat, to make atonement for the most holy place and the holy place. After that, blood is sprinkled on the altar of burnt offering, to mak.. 2024. 1. 21.
43 Golden bowls and a golden censer Golden bowls and a golden censer Incense put in the golden bowls and incense put in the golden censer लैव्यवस्था 16:12 और जो वेदी यहोवा के सम्मुख है, उस पर के जलते हुए कोयलों से भरे हुए धूपदान को लेकर, और अपनी दोनों मुट्ठियों को कूटे हुए सुगन्धित धूप से भरकर, बीचवाले पर्दे के भीतर ले आकर (इब्रा. 6:19) † There are 2 altars in the tabernacle, the bronze altar of burnt offering and the golden altar.. 2024. 1. 21.
42 Day of atonement Ω Day of Atonement Blotting out of sin 1कुरिन्थियों 15:54 और जब यह नाशवान अविनाश को पहन लेगा, और यह मरनहार अमरता को पहन लेगा, तब वह वचन जो लिखा है, पूरा हो जाएगा, “जय ने मृत्यु को निगल लिया। (यशा. 25:8) 1कुरिन्थियों 15:55 हे मृत्यु तेरी जय कहाँ रहीं? हे मृत्यु तेरा डंक कहाँ रहा?” (होशे 13:14) 1कुरिन्थियों 15:56 मृत्यु का डंक पाप है; और पाप का बल व्यवस्था है। † Death has power over sin[1] of brea.. 2024. 1. 21.
41 When does God resurrect the robber who will be with our Lord Jesus in paradise? When does God resurrect the criminal who will be with the LORD Jesus in paradise? Because God knows everything, even before creation begins, God fully knows whose beliefs will be true and whose beliefs will be false. But the creatures do not know. Therefore, if God brings an unverified criminal into the world of rest as soon as he/she confesses, without public proof of the truthfulness of the fa.. 2024. 1. 21.
40 Does the resurrection or the transformation being clothed with the spiritual body occur only once or more than once? Does the resurrection or the transformation being clothed with the spiritual body occur only once or more than once? = Can there be any martyr witnesses who will endure the 7 plagues? ≒Can the saints remain on the earth even in the 2nd half of the 70th week? Premise 1: At the time of the great white throne judgment, there will surely be the resurrection of life and the resurrection of judgment.[.. 2024. 1. 21.
39 Can a martyr witness not be the bride? Can a martyr witness not be the bride? ≒ Are there grades in the spiritual bodies? Premise1: Only the martyr witnesses are clothed with the spiritual body. [white robe = fine linen = resurrected or transformed body = spiritual body = martyr witness] Premise2: We only think about the resurrection that is raised in a spiritual body, that is, the 1st resurrection that will never die again. We don't.. 2024. 1. 21.
38 Are only the 144000 firstfruits the bride? Are only the 144000 firstfruits the bride?[1] View1: Yes, only they are the bride View2: No प्रकाशित वाक्य 21:9 फिर जिन सात स्वर्गदूतों के पास सात अन्तिम विपत्तियों से भरे हुए सात कटोरे थे, उनमें से एक मेरे पास आया, और मेरे साथ बातें करके कहा, “इधर आ, मैं तुझे दुल्हन अर्थात् मेम्‍ने की पत्‍नी दिखाऊँगा।” प्रकाशित वाक्य 21:10 और वह मुझे आत्मा में, एक बड़े और ऊँचे पहाड़ पर ले गया, और पवित्र नगर यरू.. 2024. 1. 21.