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28 Around the last1week of the 70 weeks Ω Around the 70th week of the 70-weeks The book of Revelation is mostly the record of events that will take place around the 70th week. 7 golden trumpets 7th seal[1] = 7 trumpets The prayers of the saints in the golden bowl and the incense of the altar of burnt offering in the golden censer, are offered upon the golden altar which is before the throne.[2] 7 trumpets begin to be sounded as the an.. 2024. 1. 21.
27 Completion of creation through the eternal gospel Ω Completion of creation through the eternal gospel = The creation process of God the Creator who annihilates sin through the eternally immutable 'Word' 1. To complete creation, the Creator became King of creatures यूहन्ना 1:1 आदि में* वचन था, और वचन परमेश्‍वर के साथ था, और वचन परमेश्‍वर था। यूहन्ना 1:2 यही आदि में परमेश्‍वर के साथ था। यूहन्ना 1:3 सब कुछ उसी के द्वारा उत्‍पन्‍न हुआ और जो कुछ उत्.. 2024. 1. 21.
26 Eternal gospel Ω Eternal gospel Truth concerning sin[1]- to convict of sin concerning righteousnes[2]- to make obtain righteousness concerning judgment[3]- to make avoid judgment Law Gospel of the Kingdom Eternal Gospel Old Testament[4] New Testament[5] Revelation=Little Book[6] Law of God Atonement of the Son and God the Holy Spirirt who comes as the early rain[7] Life through the Spirit and God the Holy Spir.. 2024. 1. 21.
25 'in the midst of the week' or 'for half of the week'? Ω 'in the midst of the week' or 'for half of the week' ? = When will the great tribulation begin? = When does the abomination of desolation stand in the holy place? = When will the son of destruction sit in the temple building? मत्ती 24:15 “इसलिए जब तुम उस उजाड़नेवाली घृणित वस्तु को जिसकी चर्चा दानिय्येल भविष्यद्वक्ता के द्वारा हुई थी, पवित्रस्‍थान में खड़ी हुई देखो, (जो पढ़े, वह समझे)। मत्ती 24.. 2024. 1. 21.
24 Do the 4 angels holding the 4 winds and the 4 angels bound by the great river Euphrates refer to Do the 4 angels holding the 4 winds and the 4 angels bound at the great river Euphrates refer to the same angels? = Is the 4 winds of Revelation 7 the wind that raises beasts from the sea and the earth(view1), or is it just the wind that devastates the earth1/3(view2)? Premise: Whether the 4 angels use the 4 winds to harm the earth and the sea, or the 4 angels are blocking the 4 winds that try t.. 2024. 1. 21.
23 king=prince=angel? King = Prince = Angel ? दानिय्येल 10:12 फिर उसने मुझसे कहा, “हे दानिय्येल, मत डर, क्योंकि पहले ही दिन को जब तूने समझने-बूझने के लिये मन लगाया और अपने परमेश्‍वर के सामने अपने को दीन किया, उसी दिन तेरे वचन सुने गए, और मैं तेरे वचनों के कारण आ गया हूँ। (दानि. 12:1) दानिय्येल 10:13 फारस के राज्य का प्रधान इक्कीस दिन तक मेरा सामना किए रहा; परन्तु मीकाएल जो मुख्य प्रधानों में से है, वह मेरी सहायता के .. 2024. 1. 21.
22 What are the beasts? Ω What are the beasts? The beasts in the book of Daniel दानिय्येल 7:2 दानिय्येल ने यह कहा, “मैंने रात को यह स्वप्न देखा कि महासागर पर चौमुखी आँधी चलने लगी। (प्रका. 7:1) † The wind symbolizes an angel[1], the sea symbolizes the world[2], and the beast symbolizes a king or kingdom[3], the political power that has dominion over the world that opposes God. When the winds blow, the beasts appear. As .. 2024. 1. 21.
21 When does the last1week begin? When does the 70th week begin? = When will the 144000 firstfruits be sealed and the beasts will come up? Premise1: Assume that the sealed 144000 in Revelation 7 and the 144000 firstfruits who are redeemed from among men in Revelation 14, are the same martyr witnesses. If they are different saints, they cannot be considered together when guessing the beginning of the 70th week. If they are differ.. 2024. 1. 21.
20 My interpretation of Revelation 12 My interpretation of Revelation 12 Premise1: Assume that the 144000 in Revelation 7[1] and the 144000 in Revelation 14[2] refer to the same people. Premise2: I see the 144000 as the firstfruits who are redeemed from among men and as the 2 witnesses.[3] Premise3: Assume that Michael throws Satan down to the earth[4] when the time of the sounding of the 5th trumpet.[5] Premise4: Assume that the se.. 2024. 1. 21.