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37 Will all the 144000 firstfruits who are redeemed from among humans be transformed? Will all the 144000 firstfruits who are redeemed from among men be transformed? Premise1: We see the 144000 in Revelation 7[1] which are sealed at the time of the 6th seal, as the 144000 firstfruits which are the last firstfruits.[2] [The sealed 144000=144000 firstfruits who are redeemed from among men] Premise2: The 1st half of the 70th week begins when the 6th trumpet is sounded and the beast .. 2024. 1. 21.
36 Those who will participate in the 1st resurrection Those who will participate in the 1st resurrection Premise1: The LORD Jesus who was cursed by His Father[1] and cut off from His Father for us[2], is the 1st firstfruits.[3] It is assumed that the firstfruits except the Son, the saints who have the firstfruits of the Spirit and the firstfruits who are redeemed from among men, are all martyr witnesses. (Other opinions may exist if the Son's death.. 2024. 1. 21.
35 Where are the resurrected or transformed saints caught up? Then where is the air to which the saints are caught up? Where are the resurrected or transformed saints caught up? Premise: I see the sealed 144000[1] as the 144000 firstfruits who are redeemed from among men[2], and I think that these are symbolized by the 2 witnesses.[3] Air 1थिस्सलुनीकियों 4:16 क्योंकि प्रभु आप ही स्वर्ग से उतरेगा; उस समय ललकार, और प्रधान दूत का शब्द सुनाई देगा*, और परमेश्‍व.. 2024. 1. 21.
34 Things to happen in the middle of the last1week Ω Things to happen in the middle of the 70th week Premise1: By translating 'half' of the week as 'for half', it is assumed that the great tribulation begins with the 70th week. If the 'half' of the week is viewd as 'at half point', it would be a view that the great tribulation would begin around the end of the 1st half of the 70th week, not around the beginning of the 1st half of the 70th week. .. 2024. 1. 21.
33 Where is under the altar where the martyrs cry out? Where is under the altar where the martyrs cry out? प्रकाशित वाक्य 6:9 जब उसने पाँचवी मुहर खोली, तो मैंने वेदी के नीचे उनके प्राणों को देखा, जो परमेश्‍वर के वचन के कारण, और उस गवाही के कारण जो उन्होंने दी थी, वध किए गए थे। प्रकाशित वाक्य 6:10 और उन्होंने बड़े शब्द से पुकारकर कहा, “हे प्रभु, हे पवित्र, और सत्य; तू कब तक न्याय न करेगा? और पृथ्वी के रहनेवालों से हमारे लहू का पलटा कब तक न लेगा?” (प्.. 2024. 1. 21.
32 Affliction of Joseph Affliction of Joseph आमोस 6:6 और कटोरों में से दाखमधु पीते, और उत्तम-उत्तम तेल लगाते हो, परन्तु यूसुफ पर आनेवाली विपत्ति का हाल सुनकर शोकित नहीं होते। The affliction of Joseph here is a foreshadowing of a worldwide famine. There will be a global food crisis before the Son comes again in the end times. Since no one can live without food[1], all who are within the dominion of the beast will be tes.. 2024. 1. 21.
31 Elijah and the 2 witnesses Elijah and the 2 witnesses Premise1: The 144000 firstfruits who are redeemed from among men and the sealed 144000 children of Israel are regarded as the same saints, and it is assumed that these are symbolized as the 2 witnesses. Premise2: It is assumed that the entire 42 months of the 1st half of the 70th week, for which worship of the beast is forced, is the period of the great tribulation. If.. 2024. 1. 21.
30 People extermination plan People extermination plan एस्तेर 3:5 जब हामान ने देखा, कि मोर्दकै नहीं झुकता, और न मुझ को दण्डवत् करता है, तब हामान बहुत ही क्रोधित हुआ। एस्तेर 3:6 उसने केवल मोर्दकै पर हाथ उठाना अपनी मर्यादा से कम जाना। क्योंकि उन्होंने हामान को यह बता दिया था, कि मोर्दकै किस जाति का है, इसलिए हामान ने क्षयर्ष के साम्राज्य में रहनेवाले सारे यहूदियों को भी मोर्दकै की जाति जानकर, विनाश कर डालने की युक्ति निकाली। .. 2024. 1. 21.
29 When does the great tribulation begin? When does the great tribulation begin? = When is the abomination of desolation stood in the holy place?[1] = When does the son of destruction sit in the temple building?[2] = When are the sacrifice and the offering be ceased?[3] = After 1335 days from the beginning of the great tribulation[4], will the LORD Jesus come only to the air[5] or even to the earth?[6] = Is 1335 days after the beginning.. 2024. 1. 21.